When over 200 people give up their lunch hour to attend a webinar, it’s a good indication that they really care about an issue. That’s what just happened with our …
Giving evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI
Listen in as Sue Turner gives evidence to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on AI’s investigation of AI in the Boardroom in January 2023.
New help for bosses to harness the power of AI
AI Governance is proud to announce the launch of our new Executive Education course, “AI for Leaders: The Essentials.” This online course, which can be completed in under four hours, …
Why do bosses need to understand AI – according to the data?*
Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being adopted by businesses of all types and sizes, and it is essential that directors understand and control its use within their organisations. There are …
New support for Board members
The possibilities AI offers are enormous but how do Board members know where the pitfalls lie so they can assess risks and make good investment decisions? AI Governance is supporting …