When over 200 people give up their lunch hour to attend a webinar, it’s a good indication that they really care about an issue. That’s what just happened with our “Getting started with artificial intelligence” session for current and aspiring leaders in health and care across Scotland.
We focused on using AI to run and manage organisations which is something of a Cinderella, compared to medical applications for AI about which a lot has been researched and written.
This wide-ranging hour covered:
- What AI is and how it works
- The opportunities for using AI
- The threats to be aware of
- The evolving regulatory scene
- Tips for moving your organisation forward with using AI.
Delegates’ comments were particularly insightful with debate about the reality of using artificial intelligence in their organisations. It’s clear there’s a strong appetite to bring AI in to help make organisations more efficient and find new ways of working… but there are many barriers too.
Sue Turner was clear that Board members can’t sit on the side-lines and delay thinking about AI issues or delegate responsibility for AI use. Leaders in all disciplines need to get up to speed on the opportunities and threats of using AI.
Contact us if you want to know more about using AI in health and care with wisdom and integrity.