We can all influence rules and regulations
Are you managing to keep up with all the different proposals to regulate AI and data uses? New AI regulations are coming thick and fast in the UK, EU and US which can make it tricky to keep up to date, so keep an eye on our news pages and get in touch if you want us to keep you up to date.
The EU AI Act came into force on 1 August 2024. We’ve produced this guide to help UK based businesses assess what action they need to take now. Contact us to get help for your organisation.
Lobbying is sometimes viewed as a “dirty” word but there are legitimate reasons why organisation leaders should seek to influence national and international regulations and law on data and AI.
Look back in history and you’ll see that regulation lags technological developments by some years. In the AI field, law makers are struggling to keep up with the changes in the technology and its impact on society.
It is legitimate for organisations to share what we know with law-makers and regulators to inform their thinking. If we do this from the mindset of “what’s good for society”, rather than our own narrow financial interests, then we can sleep soundly in our beds.
At AI Governance we have experience in building government relations functions from the ground up for private and not-for-profit sectors. We use our annual research to inform government thinking and we advise clients on how they can share their real-world insights to help policy formulation.
Keeping up to date with regulatory changes is not easy. Take a look at the AI Governance LinkedIn page where we’ll post updates and interesting articles. Contact us to find out how you can boost your influence too.