AI for children’s school lunches?

person holding and taking selfie using a smartphone
  • Carry out an Impact Assessment: The Information Commissioner’s Office rightly highlighted that the school in this case had not carried out a Data Protection Impact Assessment. That’s a basic first step when dealing with data in a way that may be high risk.
  • Obtain Informed Consent: Schools must obtain explicit, informed consent from parents or carers before implementing FRT. Hold a consultation meeting and give out clear information about how the technology works, what data is collected and how it will be used so consent is properly informed.
  • Limit Data Collection and Retention: Schools should collect only the minimum amount of data necessary for the intended purpose and retain it only for as long as required. This is always good data governance.
  • Prioritise Privacy by Design: Schools should adopt a privacy-by-design approach when considering new technologies. This means prioritising privacy considerations from the outset and ensuring that data protection measures are built into the system’s architecture.
  • Regular Audits and Transparency: Schools should conduct regular audits of their FRT systems to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and maintain transparency about how the technology is used.
  • Alternative Solutions: Schools should explore alternative solutions that do not rely on the collection of biometric data. For example, cashless payment systems based on PINs or unique identifiers could work just as well without being so intrusive.

The use of facial recognition technology in schools raises complex ethical challenges that require careful consideration and proactive measures to protect children’s privacy and autonomy. By prioritising privacy by design, obtaining informed consent and exploring alternative solutions, schools can ensure that the convenience of technology does not come at the cost of compromising the rights and well-being of their students.

The Chelmer Valley High School incident serves as a stark reminder that the adoption of new technologies should always be accompanied by a thorough assessment of their ethical implications. As parents and guardians, it’s our responsibility to question what’s truly in our children’s school lunches these days, and demand transparency and accountability when it comes to their privacy.

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