Why UK businesses can’t ignore the EU AI Act

EU AI Act Guide

Even though the UK is no longer a member of the European Union, businesses here can’t afford to ignore the EU AI Act.

Besides being a pioneering piece of legislation that may become the gold standard for AI regulation globally, the Act covers AI outputs that reach into the EU. Suppose you employ workers living in the EU and you use an HR tool, supplied by a third party, where AI helps select candidates for interview. The output of the AI tool impacts on people in the EU so you’ll be caught by the provisions of the Act which deems all employment uses “High Risk”. And you don’t get out of it by saying you’re simply using a tool supplied by someone else – as a deployer of an AI tool you still have responsibilities.

The EU remains a substantial market for many UK businesses, so compliance with the EU AI Act is crucial to continue accessing this market and its people so take a look at our new guide to help you assess what you need to do now.

Here’s the link to the official EU text of the Act if you want to look at the detail. Find out more about how we help leaders understand and comply with the EU AI Act. Contact us to get help today.

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